Hello, Readers,
I just wanted to drop all of you a line and tell you that I received the editorial letter from my editor at Urban Publishing. She has finished her 1st. round of edits for my 2012 book release, Lady Elect. I will quote exactly what my editor said in her letter to me.
"This is hands down and by far your best work to date. You should be proud of yourself. You go, girl."
Wow, talk about being on cloud nine. My chin was on the floor as I read her notes. I used to say that my novel, A Man's Worth, was my best work but as I was writing Lady Elect, that changed.
Every morning, I looked forward to placing my notebook on my lap and typing the drama. Unlike my previous books, I didn't feel the pressure of delivering another best-seller. There were no sleepless nights or anxiety attacks about making my June 1st. deadline. I have to say that I flowed right through Lady Elect so effortlessly. This time around I enjoyed creating the drama that I know you love to read. And trust me when I say that Lady Elect doesn't fall short with the drama that's packed into each and every chapter. I am so proud of the finished product because I know that I put both of my feet, both arms, and all 20 fingers and toes in this book. I am happy to say that I didn't disappoint in any way. In Lady Elect, I brought it.
I'm an author who reads her own work and shouts out at what the characters are doing. As if I hadn't written the book, I get caught up in the scenes and will laugh out loud or make a comment. To me, that's normal but I understand that to others, it's crazy.
So get ready, Readers. Get ready to be entertained. Lady Elect-Arykah Miles walks into Freedom Temple Church Of God like a hurricane and turns the entire church upside down. She is ghetto fabulous in every shape, form, and fashion. She lets the whole congregation know that she's arrived and in Arykah's own words, "I ain't goin' nowhere."
Happy reading,