Hello, Readers,
I know many of you have been wondering what I've been doing for the past year. Well, I've been busy getting my character, Arykah Miles-Howell, ready for her debut as the First Lady of Freedom Temple Church of God in Christ. In my novel, "A Woman's Worth", Arykah had met Bishop Lance Howell and the two of them became smitten with one another. In "Lady Elect", Bishop Howell returns to his pulpit, fresh from vacation, with a wife in tow. Not only was the Bishop's annoucement a slap in the face to the many single ladies that sat before him, Sunday after Sunday, hoping to be the chosen one, but the Mother's of the church refuse to accept Arykah's flashy attire. If her fishnet stockings, massive wig collection, 6-inch red bottom stilettos and ruby red lipstick aren't enough to send them over the edge, Mother's Pansie Bowak and Gussie Hughes don't take it too kindly when Arykah graces the front pew in skintight dresses and plenty of bling. When their pleas to the Bishop to tone down his wife falls on deaf ears, the Mother's put a plan in motion to oust Arykah from the church altogether. Doing everything short of wearing Team Hate Arykah t-shirts, the Mother's sink to an all-time low, even verbal abuse and assault to show Arykah that she's not wanted and her outspokeness won't be tolerated. But God's words "Touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm", will ring true when Arykah prove to the Mother's and everyone else drinking hatorade that she's a force to reckon with and she ain't going nowhere.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Good Report
Hello, Readers,
I just wanted to drop all of you a line and tell you that I received the editorial letter from my editor at Urban Publishing. She has finished her 1st. round of edits for my 2012 book release, Lady Elect. I will quote exactly what my editor said in her letter to me.
"This is hands down and by far your best work to date. You should be proud of yourself. You go, girl."
Wow, talk about being on cloud nine. My chin was on the floor as I read her notes. I used to say that my novel, A Man's Worth, was my best work but as I was writing Lady Elect, that changed.
Every morning, I looked forward to placing my notebook on my lap and typing the drama. Unlike my previous books, I didn't feel the pressure of delivering another best-seller. There were no sleepless nights or anxiety attacks about making my June 1st. deadline. I have to say that I flowed right through Lady Elect so effortlessly. This time around I enjoyed creating the drama that I know you love to read. And trust me when I say that Lady Elect doesn't fall short with the drama that's packed into each and every chapter. I am so proud of the finished product because I know that I put both of my feet, both arms, and all 20 fingers and toes in this book. I am happy to say that I didn't disappoint in any way. In Lady Elect, I brought it.
I'm an author who reads her own work and shouts out at what the characters are doing. As if I hadn't written the book, I get caught up in the scenes and will laugh out loud or make a comment. To me, that's normal but I understand that to others, it's crazy.
So get ready, Readers. Get ready to be entertained. Lady Elect-Arykah Miles walks into Freedom Temple Church Of God like a hurricane and turns the entire church upside down. She is ghetto fabulous in every shape, form, and fashion. She lets the whole congregation know that she's arrived and in Arykah's own words, "I ain't goin' nowhere."
Happy reading,
I just wanted to drop all of you a line and tell you that I received the editorial letter from my editor at Urban Publishing. She has finished her 1st. round of edits for my 2012 book release, Lady Elect. I will quote exactly what my editor said in her letter to me.
"This is hands down and by far your best work to date. You should be proud of yourself. You go, girl."
Wow, talk about being on cloud nine. My chin was on the floor as I read her notes. I used to say that my novel, A Man's Worth, was my best work but as I was writing Lady Elect, that changed.
Every morning, I looked forward to placing my notebook on my lap and typing the drama. Unlike my previous books, I didn't feel the pressure of delivering another best-seller. There were no sleepless nights or anxiety attacks about making my June 1st. deadline. I have to say that I flowed right through Lady Elect so effortlessly. This time around I enjoyed creating the drama that I know you love to read. And trust me when I say that Lady Elect doesn't fall short with the drama that's packed into each and every chapter. I am so proud of the finished product because I know that I put both of my feet, both arms, and all 20 fingers and toes in this book. I am happy to say that I didn't disappoint in any way. In Lady Elect, I brought it.
I'm an author who reads her own work and shouts out at what the characters are doing. As if I hadn't written the book, I get caught up in the scenes and will laugh out loud or make a comment. To me, that's normal but I understand that to others, it's crazy.
So get ready, Readers. Get ready to be entertained. Lady Elect-Arykah Miles walks into Freedom Temple Church Of God like a hurricane and turns the entire church upside down. She is ghetto fabulous in every shape, form, and fashion. She lets the whole congregation know that she's arrived and in Arykah's own words, "I ain't goin' nowhere."
Happy reading,
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Thanks, Thanks, and Thanks again
Hello, Readers.
It has been a long 6 months since I've last spoken to all of you. But I wanted to stop by my blog and extend a special 'thank you' to my favorite readers for your support. Since the release of my latest book, "Crossroads", earlier this year, it has made the Black Expressions Top 100 Best-Seller's List. Words can't express how much I appreciate all of you for your dedication and especially for reaching out to me on Facebook or e-mailing me with your thoughts on my books. I get a big kick out of opening an e-mail and seeing a message from a reader. Just last week, I put the finishing touches on my June, 2012 book release, "Lady Elect", which is the follow-up to my novel, "A Woman's Worth". My characters, Bishop Lance Howell and Arykah Miles, are married and the Mother's of the church are not at all pleased that Pastor Lance chose a woman outside of the church family to marry. The Mother's have such a strong dislike for Arykah that they try to make her life a living hell. But Lady Arykah is from the streets and she could hold her own. When Arykah gets sick and tired of dodging the Mother's plots, plans, and schemes to oust her, she takes off her first lady hat and shows them who they're really fooling with. When it's all said and done, one Mother lands in jail and the other becomes a prime candidate for the psychiatric ward. Arykah clearly sends a message to every church member that she ain't the one to play with.
I am very excited about "Lady Elect" and will begin to promote it as soon as my book cover is designed.
Happy reading,
It has been a long 6 months since I've last spoken to all of you. But I wanted to stop by my blog and extend a special 'thank you' to my favorite readers for your support. Since the release of my latest book, "Crossroads", earlier this year, it has made the Black Expressions Top 100 Best-Seller's List. Words can't express how much I appreciate all of you for your dedication and especially for reaching out to me on Facebook or e-mailing me with your thoughts on my books. I get a big kick out of opening an e-mail and seeing a message from a reader. Just last week, I put the finishing touches on my June, 2012 book release, "Lady Elect", which is the follow-up to my novel, "A Woman's Worth". My characters, Bishop Lance Howell and Arykah Miles, are married and the Mother's of the church are not at all pleased that Pastor Lance chose a woman outside of the church family to marry. The Mother's have such a strong dislike for Arykah that they try to make her life a living hell. But Lady Arykah is from the streets and she could hold her own. When Arykah gets sick and tired of dodging the Mother's plots, plans, and schemes to oust her, she takes off her first lady hat and shows them who they're really fooling with. When it's all said and done, one Mother lands in jail and the other becomes a prime candidate for the psychiatric ward. Arykah clearly sends a message to every church member that she ain't the one to play with.
I am very excited about "Lady Elect" and will begin to promote it as soon as my book cover is designed.
Happy reading,
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Behold The Contest Questions.
Below you will find 10 questions relating to scenes from my previous novels, "A Man's Worth", "Amaryllis", & "A Woman's Worth". Each of the 10 questions contain 3 or more individual questions. All of the questions MUST be answered correctly. The first 5 people that answer all of the questions correctly will receive a complimentary autographed copy of "Crossroads".
Step 2: Don't forget to leave us your email address. Winners will be notified by email and they will also be listed on my blog. The contest will run through Saturday, January 1, 2011.
Good Luck to all!
P.S. Email me with your answers otherwise everyone will know what you know. Here is the contest email address pbmcontest@gmail.com
1. In the book, “A Man’s Worth”, what was the name of the shopping mall that Randall Loomis first met Amaryllis Price? What was she wearing? What brand of shoes did Randall buy for Amaryllis and what color were they?
2. In the book, “A Woman’s Worth”, what was the nickname that Monique had affectionally given to her fiance’s mother, Myrtle Cortland? How did Monique come up with that particular nickname?
3. In the book, “Amaryllis”, Amaryllis’ sister, Michelle, had a friend whom she met at church. What was her friend’s name? What was her friend’s husband’s name? What was her friend’s daughter’s name?
4. In the book, “Amaryllis”, Amaryllis sent her sister, Michelle, a jigsaw puzzle. What was written on the note that accompanied the 5th piece of the puzzle?
5. In the book, “A Man’s Worth”, God had given Randall a mansion? What was the address and street name?
6. In the book, “A Woman’s Worth”, where did Boris get doped up. Who was Boris’ dope dealer and what was his drug of choice?
7. In the book, “Amaryllis”, what type of tattoo could be seen on Amaryllis’ backside when she danced nude at Michelle’s fiance’s bachelor party?
8. In “A Man’s Worth”, Amaryllis visited the store ‘For Men Only’. What items did she buy?”
9. In “A Man’s Worth”, Randall had adopted 3 children. The youngest, Eboni, had a handicap. What was it? What was Eboni’s favorite candy?
10. In “A Woman’s Worth”, where had Adonis purchased Monique’s diamond tennis bracelet? How much did it cost?
Step 2: Don't forget to leave us your email address. Winners will be notified by email and they will also be listed on my blog. The contest will run through Saturday, January 1, 2011.
Good Luck to all!
P.S. Email me with your answers otherwise everyone will know what you know. Here is the contest email address pbmcontest@gmail.com
1. In the book, “A Man’s Worth”, what was the name of the shopping mall that Randall Loomis first met Amaryllis Price? What was she wearing? What brand of shoes did Randall buy for Amaryllis and what color were they?
2. In the book, “A Woman’s Worth”, what was the nickname that Monique had affectionally given to her fiance’s mother, Myrtle Cortland? How did Monique come up with that particular nickname?
3. In the book, “Amaryllis”, Amaryllis’ sister, Michelle, had a friend whom she met at church. What was her friend’s name? What was her friend’s husband’s name? What was her friend’s daughter’s name?
4. In the book, “Amaryllis”, Amaryllis sent her sister, Michelle, a jigsaw puzzle. What was written on the note that accompanied the 5th piece of the puzzle?
5. In the book, “A Man’s Worth”, God had given Randall a mansion? What was the address and street name?
6. In the book, “A Woman’s Worth”, where did Boris get doped up. Who was Boris’ dope dealer and what was his drug of choice?
7. In the book, “Amaryllis”, what type of tattoo could be seen on Amaryllis’ backside when she danced nude at Michelle’s fiance’s bachelor party?
8. In “A Man’s Worth”, Amaryllis visited the store ‘For Men Only’. What items did she buy?”
9. In “A Man’s Worth”, Randall had adopted 3 children. The youngest, Eboni, had a handicap. What was it? What was Eboni’s favorite candy?
10. In “A Woman’s Worth”, where had Adonis purchased Monique’s diamond tennis bracelet? How much did it cost?
A Man's Worth,
christian fiction,
Friday, October 29, 2010
News & Updates
Hello, Readers.
I wanted to take this time to thank each and every one of you for your wonderful feedback of chapter 1 of my upcoming release, "Crossroads". It has been almost 2 years since you've read about my character, Amaryllis Price, and I've received hundreds of e-mails inquiring what she was up to next. Well the wait is almost over and in just 4 months, "Crossroads" will grace the book shelves of your local Borders, Barnes & Noble, & Walden Bookstores as well as Wal-Mart stores and your local libraries. "Crossroads" will also be available as an e-book on Kindle. Right now Amazon.com is offering "Crossroads" for just $10 if you pre-order your paperback copy. And for all of you hard cover book lovers, let's cross our fingers and pray that Black Expressions Book Club will accept "Crossroads" into their literary family.
It really puts joy in my heart when readers are satisfied with my work and take the time to reach out to me with words of encouragement. I appreciate those of you who stopped by my website at www.nikitalynnettenichols.com to sign my guestbook.
For those of you who may not have received my newsletter earlier this month, I will be hosting my very 1st. book give-away contest in December. 5 lucky winners will be chosen to receive complimentary autographed copies of "Crossroads". Brush up on your reading because readers will be asked to answer 10 questions correctly relating to my past novels, "A Man's Worth", "Amaryllis", & "A Woman's Worth". Rules and regulations of the contest will be given at a later date.
I am happy to announce the release of my self-published novel, "Damsels In Distress", as an e-book in the fall of 2011. Best friends Portia, a receptionist at a used car dealership who finds fulfillment in married men beds & Ginger, a high-school teacher who suffers daily at the hands of her unemployed, drug addicted, live-in boyfriend & Celeste, the so-called happily married bank teller, all share a secret from high-school that they swore to never mention. But when a situation arises and exposes what they've been hiding for over 20 years, Portia, Ginger, & Celeste turn on each other. The 3 'frenemies' are now on their own and must face their own individual demons.
Readers and fans are welcomed to join in on the production of "Damsels In Distress". I am seeking models for the on-line book cover. Readers are welcomed to submit photos of individual women or a group of 3 women. Please keep in mind the title of the book when submitting your photos. Any smiling is prohibited. Creativity is key. Photos can be submitted in jpeg only to kitawrites@comcast.net by December 31st, 2010. Any photos received without the models name & contact information will be rejected. Photos received after the due date will also be rejected.
I wish all of you a wonderful day and I look forward to reviewing your photos.
Blessings to you all,
Nikita Lynnette Nichols
I wanted to take this time to thank each and every one of you for your wonderful feedback of chapter 1 of my upcoming release, "Crossroads". It has been almost 2 years since you've read about my character, Amaryllis Price, and I've received hundreds of e-mails inquiring what she was up to next. Well the wait is almost over and in just 4 months, "Crossroads" will grace the book shelves of your local Borders, Barnes & Noble, & Walden Bookstores as well as Wal-Mart stores and your local libraries. "Crossroads" will also be available as an e-book on Kindle. Right now Amazon.com is offering "Crossroads" for just $10 if you pre-order your paperback copy. And for all of you hard cover book lovers, let's cross our fingers and pray that Black Expressions Book Club will accept "Crossroads" into their literary family.
It really puts joy in my heart when readers are satisfied with my work and take the time to reach out to me with words of encouragement. I appreciate those of you who stopped by my website at www.nikitalynnettenichols.com to sign my guestbook.
For those of you who may not have received my newsletter earlier this month, I will be hosting my very 1st. book give-away contest in December. 5 lucky winners will be chosen to receive complimentary autographed copies of "Crossroads". Brush up on your reading because readers will be asked to answer 10 questions correctly relating to my past novels, "A Man's Worth", "Amaryllis", & "A Woman's Worth". Rules and regulations of the contest will be given at a later date.
I am happy to announce the release of my self-published novel, "Damsels In Distress", as an e-book in the fall of 2011. Best friends Portia, a receptionist at a used car dealership who finds fulfillment in married men beds & Ginger, a high-school teacher who suffers daily at the hands of her unemployed, drug addicted, live-in boyfriend & Celeste, the so-called happily married bank teller, all share a secret from high-school that they swore to never mention. But when a situation arises and exposes what they've been hiding for over 20 years, Portia, Ginger, & Celeste turn on each other. The 3 'frenemies' are now on their own and must face their own individual demons.
Readers and fans are welcomed to join in on the production of "Damsels In Distress". I am seeking models for the on-line book cover. Readers are welcomed to submit photos of individual women or a group of 3 women. Please keep in mind the title of the book when submitting your photos. Any smiling is prohibited. Creativity is key. Photos can be submitted in jpeg only to kitawrites@comcast.net by December 31st, 2010. Any photos received without the models name & contact information will be rejected. Photos received after the due date will also be rejected.
I wish all of you a wonderful day and I look forward to reviewing your photos.
Blessings to you all,
Nikita Lynnette Nichols
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
She's Back! Amaryllis is at a CROSSROADS! Finally!

What's a girl to do when she comes to a crossroads in life? Amaryllis Price is back and she's trying to stay saved. Once a gold-digger, husband stealer and a master manipulator, Amaryllis had vowed to change her life and walk on straight street. But when a handsome ex-boyfriend, Charles Walker, emerges from her past and sets out to rekindle the hot and steamy times they shared between the sheets, Amaryllis is faced with a decision. Will Amaryllis send Charles packing or will she give in to temptation and allow him to take her down memory lane?
Bridgette Nelson, Amaryllis' best friend and roommate, had also made a change for the better. Bridgette, once known for her hot tongue, never had a problem getting folks told and putting them in their place. Bridgette is up for a promotion but when she curses the nephew of the CEO at the law firm she works for, Bridgette must take an anger management class to secure the job. Unwilling to cooperate, Bridgette stands to lose everything that's dear to her.
Release Date: April 2011
christian fiction,
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Hello, readers. Boy, it seems like ages since I've had the chance to sit and communicate with you. I am nearing the end of my 1st. book tour. I've been traveling the country from city to city & state to state. This summer I've visited so many beautiful places including Las Vegas & California. With a little over a month to go on my tour, I will visit Detroit, Ohio, St Louis, as well as Raleigh. I've had a fabulous time meeting new people and the book stores have treated me like royalty. Who knew that my novels "A Man's Worth" & "Amaryllis" would capture the hearts of thousands? Thanks to all who came out to support me and many thanks to all of the book clubs that have chosen my books and a very special thanks to those individuals who took the time to e-mail me with your kind words or not so kind words about my psychotic character, Amaryllis Price. Yes, I've come to learn that she's the talk of many towns as my novels are reached to many by word of mouth. At this time, I'd like to address the publication of my novel, "Crossroads". E-mails are pouring in daily from readers wanting to know when the next installment of the "Amaryllis" series will hit the book shelves. The truth is that "Crossroads" was origninally set to release in August of 2010. However, my publisher didn't think my manuscript was thick enough (not enough pages) and it didn't meet the requirement for publication. So, I've been asked to add about 25,000 more words. In order to do that, "Crossroads" has been pusehd back to release in 2011. The one thing I never want to do is disappointment my faithful readers who have come to love me and my style of writing. I want to give you exactly what you deserve and that's a great book with a great storyline. So, I ask for your patience while I operate on my "Crossroads" manuscript. But I have good news. I didn't want to go a whole year without a book release, so I am releasing my4th book, "A Woman's Worth" ahead of schedule on January 1st, 2010. It is the flip side of my novel, "A Man's Worth" and another page turner. See, because you've taken care of me, I'm taking care of you. Next year I will be visiting new cities on my book tour. Again, I thank you all for helping me make the Black Expressions Top 100 Best-Seller's List. It has been a joy and I appreciate you for taking this ride with me.
Happy reading,
Nikita Lynnette Nichols
Happy reading,
Nikita Lynnette Nichols
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
It's All About The Fans
It was 1 week ago today when my most anticipated novel, Amaryllis, released into book stores. In the writing industry, the opening day is the most crucial. It's the day that publishers watch sales with a magnifying glass. When a novel is placed on a book shelf, whether it stays parked or is sold quickly, determines future book deals. Not only is the author's own publishing house watching sales, other publishers are watching the numbers as well. You see, if an author's book fly off the book shelves on opening day or during the 1st. week of its release, publishing houses smile, they want you and they come after you. A great book means great business in the publishing world. Twice this past week, my publicist told me that I was in high demand. My calendar is filled with book signings, book club meetings and book fairs. But I can't take the credit for anything. It was my fans that placed their orders for Amaryllis months and weeks ago. It was my faithful readers that flooded the book stores on April 1st. to make sure they had their copies. It was reported to me that Amazon.com has sold out of Amaryllis, backorders have been placed. So, I send out my heartfelt thanks to all of you who are spread out across this country, for causing 5 Borders stores to sell completely out of books on April 1st. Special thanks to those of you who reached out to me from N. Carolina, S. Carolina, Ohio, Texas, Michigan, California, Tennessee and California. I appreciate Ellowyn B., who e-mailed me stating that she couldn't wait to relax in the tub and enjoy Amaryllis, her exact words, "It's Amaryllis time". My girl, Cortney, who cheated on her book club and read the book early because she just couldn't wait. Kimberly N., girl, you read the book in just 1 day? Valerie D., you said your daughter thought Amaryllis was even better than A Man's Worth. Taryn, who makes me feel like the Terry McMillian of Christian fiction. Nyisha, you rock! Drusilla & Kara, who found me by chance. The Black Pearls Book Club, the (IWO) Intelligent Women Only Book Club. Phyore, you and I have been waiting on this forever. My publicist, Denise, you've completely taken over my life but I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you so much for working tiredlessly. My cover model, Latoyia, you fit the description of Amaryllis perfectly. (Yes, she's a real person). To all of my readers, my fans, my followers, and my supporters, y'all did it. Thank you, thank you, thank you and May the Lord bless you all.
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